Frequently asked questions about teeth

Frequently asked questions about teeth are often related to dental health, treatments and dental care. Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers:

How often should I brush my teeth?

Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.

How should a toothbrush be chosen?

A soft or medium hardness toothbrush with a small head should be selected.

Why is it important to use dental floss?

Dental floss prevents caries and gum diseases by removing plaque and food residues between the teeth.

What should be considered when choosing toothpaste?

Toothpaste should be fluoride and have the properties recommended by your dentist.

Why Does Gum Bleeding Occur?

The main causes of bleeding gums include gum diseases, poor oral hygiene, malnutrition and smoking.

How to Treat Toothache?

Painkillers can be used for temporary toothache, but a dentist should be consulted for permanent pain.

What are Teeth Whitening Methods?

Teeth whitening procedures can be performed by professional whitening performed by a dentist or with whitening products used at home.

To Whom Can Braces Treatment Be Applied?

Braces treatment can be suitable for anyone with irregular teeth or jaw incompatibilities. However, suitability for treatment should be determined by the dentist.

Why can my teeth be sensitive?

Causes of tooth sensitivity can include worn enamel, cavities, receding gums or sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or sour foods.

How to Protect Children’s Dental Health?

Regular tooth brushing, dentist checks, healthy eating habits and the use of fluoride toothpaste are important for children’s dental health.

These questions generally cover the basic issues about dental health. However, each individual may have unique questions about dental health and a dentist should be consulted to answer such questions.